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Show off your photography skills and stand a chance to win great prizes. The competition closes 31 December 2024- don’t miss out!

More will be announced in 2025!

Vriende van Landbou nooi jou uit om die skoonheid en wese van die boerelewe deur jou lens vas te vang! Of jy nou asemrowende landskappe afneem, hardwerkende hande ten toon stel of die hartverblydende oomblikke van die plattelandse lewe uitlig, ons wil dit alles sien.

Submit your best agricultural-themed photos and stand a chance to win fantastic prizes. This is your opportunity to share your unique perspective of the farming world and get recognized for your creativity. Whether you’re a professional or a hobbyist, everyone is welcome to participate!

Get your cameras ready, start clicking, and show the world the incredible stories that agriculture has to tell.


Teken in na ons Nuusbrief

Bly verbind met die jongste opdaterings van Friends of Agriculture! Teken in op ons nuusbrief vir eksklusiewe inhoud, bedryfsnuus en opwindende geleenthede, direk by jou inkassie afgelewer.

Moenie uitmis nie - sluit vandag by ons gemeenskap aan!